Work is good at ValueBP — and sometimes not only fun but funny!

At ValueBP, our philosophy is “Work is Good” and we try to make work fun at the same time. Well, this afternoon, it was not only fun but funny! I was talking to one of our very special customers and she told me that she was “dizzy” yesterday so she wasn’t able to do a walk-through of our new ordering website (I think she probably didn’t hear me express concern as I softly said something like “ohhhh”). Anyway, I then relayed the message to some of our staff at which point Tony started to smile and asked: “Are you sure she didn’t say busy?” I burst out laughing thinking I must be the “dizzy one” and that she probably did say “busy”! I called our customer back and sure click here enough, she was “busy” — we had a big laugh over this! Yup, work is good and also quite funny at times — lesson is to always take a step back and be willing to laugh at ourselves!