Stay Healthy this Holiday Season!

Well, Orange October has come and gone and with it we got to celebrate another World Series of our “hometown’ish” San Francisco Giants! Along with the end of baseball season we say hello to fall and the Holiday Season. We all know what that means… shorter days, colder nights, and the flu bug. At ValueBP, we always keep it a top priority to promote healthy living both in and out of the office. During this time of year as employees get sick – with it comes a loss of productivity. So, check out this Presentation of our recommendations of smart places to place Health Conscious items (everything from awareness flyers, to hand sanitizers, wipes, automatic dispensing machines and more).

Click Here! HealthyWorkplaceProject

If you’d like more information on how we can help do a walk through of your business to make recommendations for best places to post these items, please send us a note to Afterall… Work is Good, don’t you think?!